Phoenix特色于漆面革搭配正面开口绑带,可相对应的调节为适合宽脚或窄脚的舞鞋。黑色Phoenix有7.62厘米(3英寸)和 6.35厘米(2.5 英寸)跟,红色Phoenix有7.62厘米(3英寸)跟。这个款式对应通用的鞋码。如您需要通用的鞋子尺寸和码数信息,请查看我们的码数表。
The Phoenix is a patent leather shoe with a lace up tie. This style may be adjusted to fit wide and narrow feet. The Phoenix black is available in 7.62CM(3 inch) and 6.35CM(2.5 inch) heels. The Phoenix red is only available in 7.62CM(3 inch)heel.
This style is true to size. For general measurements and sizing information, see our Sizing Chart.