
    GFranco Fausto款式带有嘻哈风格,男女皆宜的舞鞋特色在于其适合室内和室外的鞋底。这个款式的舞鞋设计灵感和款式名称来源于Fausto Felix,来自纽约La Fuerza Dance Company的理事,舞者和编舞者。这个款式可以在室外使用,但是并不是设计用于日常生活使用或者在粗糙的地面(例如混凝土或者沥青地面)跳舞使用。这个款式对应通用的鞋码。如您需要通用的鞋子尺寸和码数信息,请查看我们的码数表。

    The GFranco Fausto style high-top style Uni-sex dance shoe features an indoor and outdoor sole. This  style dance shoe was inspired by and named after Fausto Felix, dancer, choreographer, and director of La Fuerza Dance Compay in New York. These dance shoes may be worn outdoors but are not designed for every day use or to be used for to dance on abrasive surfaces such as concrete or asphalt.This style fits true to size. For measurements and sizing information, see our Sizing Chart.

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