
    GFranco SOL来源于GFranco的经典款Sunset。这个款式现在有棕色,特色在于棕色沙丁布鞋面和包跟。GFranco SOL现在有宽楦头和窄楦头,请查看SOL的宽窄楦头款式。这个款式对应通用的鞋码。如您需要通用的鞋子尺寸和码数信息,请查看我们的码数表。

    The GFranco SOL is the offspring of the classic GFranco Sunset style dance shoe.  The GFranco Sol is available in tan color. This style features a tan satin upper and a covered heel.  The Sol is available in narrow and wide.  See the Sol - narrow/wide model. 

    This style is true to size.  For general measurements and sizing information, see our Sizing Chart.

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